Wedding Veils: 3 Tips On Choosing The Best One

Wedding Veils: 3 Tips On Choosing The Best One

Since there are so many wedding veils to choose from it can be quite intimidating. Luckily, you are not the only one confused about how to choose one. Cathedral veils, laced veils, Mantilla veils, the selection is quite abundant. The key here is to find one that compliments your gown along with your overall appearance.

Step 1) Decisions, Decisions, Decisions. That’s what planning your wedding outfit is all about right? First off, is your veil going to be just an accessory? Or an essential part of your gown? Meaning, is it going to be a “veil over the face” look. It’s a must when thinking of what length you would like. The traditional “veil over the face” look, looks best with a short length veil. About shoulder length, maybe a little bit longer. If you want the veil to just drape down your back without it going over your face, then medium to long is perfect.

Step 2) Matching. Match your veil as closely as possible with the rest of your look. Make sure the veil is a similar shade to the gown. The closer you can match the details the better, such as lace, beading, trim etc. The last thing you would want is a solid white gown, and a cream veil with lace and beads. The busyness of the veil will subtract from the attractiveness of the gown. The more fluid and flawless you can make the gown and veil appear, the more positively eye-catching you will look on your special day.

Step 3) Budget. Surprisingly, a veil can cost up to hundreds even thousands of dollars! The last thing you want is to have a veil that costs more than your gown. Many people buy into the idea that the more expensive it is, the better quality it is. In very few terms that mindset is true, however; with wedding veils, you are mainly paying for the name. What everyone will be looking at is the gown, not the veil. Typically, $40 veils are made with the same quality as $300 veils. The only difference is that the tag inside has a different name.

If you think that shopping for wedding veils is as stressful as shopping for the wedding gown, you are mistaken. Many women have actually admitted that shopping for wedding veils is very enjoyable. Compared to searching for your wedding gown, finding the perfect veil is like a piece of cake.